You can make a difference by donating today!
TLC is entirely funded by generous donations like yours. 100% of donations goes directly to Cambodia to provide life-saving health services on and around the Tonle Sap.
$50 = One month of prescriptions for 15 people
$100 = Clean drinking water to a family for a lifetime
$500 = One week of clinical services to over 200 people
$1,000 = One week of transportation + clinical services
Donations are tax deductible in the United States.
If you would like to make a donation that is tax deductible in another country, you can do so through one of our fiscal sponsors.
Please make sure to note your donation is designated for The Lake Clinic Cambodia.
Canada: K.I.D.S. International
United Kingdom: IMPACT UK
Cheques made to: The Lake Clinic C/O Mrs. Judi Stagg, 151 Western Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3LH, United Kingdom
Switzerland: Impact Switzerland
Deutschland: Angkors Kinder
Bank: Sparkasse Hanauerland Kehl, BLZ: 66451862, Kontonummer: 104224, Empfänger: Angkors Kinder e.V., Verwendungszweck: TLC
By Bank Transfer: ACLEDA Bank Plc., Address: #61, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangka Srah Chork, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Telephone Number: +855 023 994 444 / 15 999 233
Account Number: 0100-10-302856-1-6
Another method of donating is to transfer appreciated stock to our brokerage account. This is a great way to make a tax efficient donation.
Contact us at thelakeclinic@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you shortly!